1. Navigate to
  2. Fill out email and password as supplied by Nelson Teamwear from your how to order PDF, click submit
  3. Navigate to your club page using the link from the same supplied document, or by typing the URL.
  4. Select the product(s) you wish to purchase, select the desired size and quantity then click add to Cart. If finished shopping click proceed to checkout.
  5. If purchasing multiple items, continue selecting items and add to cart until all desired items are added into the cart
  6. Once finished, go to the cart by selecting the cart image in the top right or the proceed to checkout
  7. Fill out details in the billing section. Please enter your work address, not residential.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the use your uniform allowance and click confirm & pay
  9. This has now used part of or all your uniform allowance, if you have exceeded the allowance accounts will be in touch to rectify.